Accredited Course Enrolment Form

The information in this form will be treated confidentially, in accordance with the HKCC Privacy Policy.

Smart & Skilled Student Eligibility

Smart and Skilled is a NSW Government initiative that helps people get training in in-demand skills and industries, up to a Certificate IV.


As a Smart and Skilled provider, our students in nationally accredited priority courses will have access to the new NSW Government initiative NSW FEE FREE during 2023. This means that eligible Smart and Skilled students will be able to study a full qualification without attracting a student contribution. Eligible students can also apply for funding under the Adult Community Education and Tech Savvy Small Business Programs, both of which fund training in individual units. You can find out more about available funding and the eligibility criteria on our website.

Determine eligibility for Smart and Skilled or ACE Program Funding

To be eligible for NSW Government subsidised training under Smart and Skilled , individuals must answer Yes to all five questions below.

1. Are you an Australian citizen, permanent resident or humanitarian visa holder or a New Zealand citizen
2. Are you aged 15 years or older
3. Do you work in NSW1 (see 2. Exception A)
4. Are you at school or equivalent (see 5. Exception B)
5. Can you provide proof of eligibility evidence
Funding evidence (Please upload the required documents, such as Photo ID and Medicare Card)

Adult Community Education (ACE) and Tech Savvy Small Business (TSB) Program

The ACE Program aims to promote access and increase vocational education and training outcomes for those who experience significant barriers to training and employment. It is designed to target disadvantaged students, and students in regional and remote communities in NSW. It provides funding towards training up to and including Certificate III level.

The ACE Program also offers support to small business owners and their staff by providing fully subsidised accredited and non-accredited training in targeted courses in information technology, business services or foundation skills. This category is referred to as Tech Savvy Small Business (TSB).

Further information on the program can be found here.

Determine eligibility for the ACE Program

For students to be eligible under the ACE Program, they must be eligible for Smart & Skilled funding, and the ACE Provider must then assess if the student falls into one of two categories: (a) Disadvantaged Student7 OR (b) Regional or Remote Student8, AND is experiencing one of the listed barriers to participation9 in table below.

1. Very low literacy, language and /or numeracy skills (LLN).
2. Limited employability skills where students require considerable additional support.
3. Persistent and ongoing personal issues impacting on educational achievement.
4. Significant educational disadvantage impacting a student's ability to succeed in training.

TSB eligibility

The student must be eligible for Smart & Skilled funding and be:

(a) an owner of a small business: or (b) an employee of a small business.10

Student Details

Course you are applying for
Have you enrolled at HKCC before?
If yes, have your details changed?
Given name
Family name
Date of birth
Country of birth
Place of birth
Next of kin name
Next of kin phone
Do you have a USI? Create a USI? Find your USI? USI Privacy
Highest secondary school level
Year completed
Highest tertiary level
Specialist subject
Current employment status
What language do you speak at home?
What is your English language proficiency?
Are you Aboriginal of Torres Strait Islander?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition?
Are you registered with an Employment Services Provider?
If yes, what is your job seeker ID?
Do you anticipate needing student support/reasonable adjustments?
If yes, please specify
If yes, then please indicate the areas of disability, impairment or long-term condition. You may indicate more than one area.
Hearing/Deaf Mental Illness
Physical Vision
Intellectual Medical Condition
Learning Acquired Brain Impairment
Are you applying for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfers?
If yes, please list the units below

Consent Agreement

Note: If under 18 years of age at the time of giving consent, then the consent of their guardian is required

I have read the consent disclosure and agree to its terms.
I agree my personal information may be shared with the following Employment Service Provider, or another organisation or individual listed below.
I have read the privacy policy and agree to its terms.
I consent to a search for my USI if not included in the form.
I acknowledge that without a USI I will not be issued any statement of attainment or qualification certificate from HKCC for completion of qualifications.
Applicant signature
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Saved applicant signature
Guardian name
Guardian signature
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Saved guardian signature